Waiting….Not Yet

It’s been an interesting last few months…more so from June till now. June is when we found out we were matched with a potential birth mom, then September learning we would not be bringing home this child. This child we thought we would get to call our son. We quickly began thinking ahead, our first Christmas with him…actually our firsts of many events with our first child.

Yet, here we are as we wait. Wait another holiday season without our child. Wait until we are matched again. Wait. Wait. Wait.

Here is what we are learning while we wait. There is hope each time we receive a new potential birth mom profile. The hope that maybe our wait to be matched will be over. The hope for this parent to be. As odd as it sounds, even though when we hear “no” we weren’t picked, there is still hope. Hope that even though this child is not match, that “no” gets us hopefully one step closer to our child.

We have learned so much and as much as we have wanted our adoption journey to be a sprint, it is definitely a marathon. Slow and steady seems to be the name of our waiting game.

We have learned that regardless of what people have going on, they are still with us in this journey. They usually have no idea what to say to us to ease our pain of the wait, yet they are present. We are thankful for each one of you that is simply with us. Not trying to fix it, not trying to give us answers that only God can give, cheering us on, encouraging us, letting us cry, and yes I could go on and on. We’ve learned we need to allow people to see our pain, struggle, and joy during this wait.

We haven’t finished the last little bit of fundraising we need to complete our adoption. $5,000 will cover the rest of our agency and attorney fees to complete our adoption costs. We hope you would consider giving a gift to help us out!

To make a tax-deducatable gift click HERE

We hope and pray that 2015 will be the year we bring home our kids! Thanks for your love, support, and patience with us during this journey. We continue to learn more each day about being thankful and joy filled during our wait!

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